The neighborhood where Ariva is headquartered and the surrounding neighborhoods have some of the highest levels of financial insecurity. These communities also have the highest share of unbanked households in New York City.
Ariva was founded to support the highest-need communities of the Bronx with free, high-quality tax preparation and financial counseling.
“It is the collective effort of community organizations, funders, staff, and volunteers which work the magic in delivering our services. We need all of us together to do this important work.” – Irene Baldwin, our Executive Director
As one of NYC’s Financial Empowerment Centers, we supported more than 1,956 people and conducted 845 financial counseling sessions in 2023. We continued to see concerns in our community regarding loss of income, changes in credit, saving for emergencies, and paying off debt.
Offer Free Financial Services to Your Community
If your community needs more access to financial resources in New York City, we are here to help. We partner with dozens of other community-based organizations to host year-round and seasonal tax sites and a variety of our financial counseling services, Financial Empowerments Centers, Ready To Rent, and our Bronx Initiative. We’d love to work with you, too!